When To Change Your Mattress?

When your mattress shows signs of wear and tear or you lose comfort, it's time to change your bed, at the risk of suffering from pain when you wake up. If a mattress can be kept for an average of 10 years, its longevity can be extended with a few tricks.


Your bedding is starting to get old, and you inevitably ask yourself the question: when should you change your mattress? Your question is legitimate. While most manufacturers recommend changing your mattress on average every 10 years, there are other factors that should also catch your attention. Moving upmarket, bad nights, compensating for the natural wear and tear of the bed or even a question of hygiene... There are many reasons why you may want to renew your bed. In this article, let's take a look at the signs that indicate that it's time to change your mattress, and how to make your bedding last.

king mattress


What Visual Signs Of Wear And Tear Require A Mattress Change?

A good mattress should be firm enough to support your body and soft enough for your comfort. Your bed loses its qualities if you observe various signs of wear. It will then be time to change your mattress.


Mosses Sag

Sagging of mattress foams is a normal phenomenon. Every night, your bed is subject to multiple stresses. Movements of the sleeper (40 per night, to be multiplied by two if you sleep with your partner), night sweating... Over time, the mosses lose their firmness and settle.


Do you feel the slats or springs of your bed base on your back? Do you notice bumps and/or hollows on your mattress? This is a sign that the moss is deteriorated : it can no longer provide you with quality nights. Then it's time to search mattress near me and purchase new one.


The Mattress Loses Its Support

Your mattress has lost support if you notice a difference in firmness between the side you use and the one you don't. Or if your body print is still visible several minutes after you get up. To ensure good support, your mattress should return to its original shape once you have come out of it. If this is no longer the case, now is the time to opt for a mattress near me or get new mattress.


You Feel A "Bowl" Effect

Your mattress should also be changed if you observe a "bowl" effect. In other words, you have the feeling of slipping in the middle of the bed and/or you notice a hollow in the center of your bed. This effect is related to the non-uniform and deep sagging of your mattress.


If so, don't delay in changing your bedding. Your body adopts a compensatory position while you sleep, which can cause you pain. Make it a habit to turn your mattress regularly to extend its life and promote even wear.


The Mattress Squeaks

If your bed squeaks when you lie down, you must first identify where the noise is coming from. Test your bed base and mattress individually:


If it comes from your bed base, tightening its legs or slats can solve the problem. If it is too old or damaged, you will have to think about changing your bed base so that it does not deteriorate your mattress.


If Your Innerspring Mattress Squeaks, It Is Recommended That You Change It.

What Physical Signs Should Be Alerted?

A mattress in poor condition can impact the quality of your sleep and your days. Apart from the appearance of your bed, rely on your feelings to know when to change your mattress. A loss of comfort, pain when waking up, allergic reactions... There are several signs that should alert you to the quality of your bed.


Painful Awakenings

When you wake up, do you frequently have pain in your back, neck, head, or kidneys? Do you feel muscle tension? Ask yourself about the condition of your mattress.


If you have ruled out other possible causes and these pains persist, it may be due to your bed. A worn-out mattress no longer properly supports your spine and neck and no longer provides enough support on pressure points. This is a good reason to change your mattress as soon as possible.


Allergic Reactions

If you have allergic reactions when you are in your room, it is possible that it is coming from the mattress. Depending on the environment to which it is exposed, your bed can become a real nest of dust mites and dust. Night sweats also influence the proliferation of bacteria: each person loses about 30 cl of water on average per night.


First of all, if you sweat excessively and suffer from allergies, it may be worth consulting a specialist. If your mattress is indeed at fault, equipping it with a mattress protector can help fight against the proliferation of dust mites. Air out your room for 10 minutes every day. As a last resort, remember to change your bed.


Poorer Quality Sleep

Is your sleep of poorer quality without any other origin (sleep apnea, stress, insomnia, etc.)? Do you sleep better in a bed than your own? It's probably time to change your mattress. A worn bed no longer allows you to have the muscle relaxation necessary for restful rests. You have trouble finding a position that suits you and you wake up more during the night.


If you sleep together, the loss of comfort will be even greater. Your mattress no longer provides sufficient sleeping independence, and your partner's movements get in the way.


An Evolving Morphology

You may be wondering when to change your mattress if your body is changing. Weight loss or gain, growth of children... Each type of mattress is adapted to specific morphologies. A soft mattress will be suitable for light and small people, while a firm mattress will be suitable for taller people.


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